Daeheung R&T values your opinion.
Please use below template to submit your questions or opinions
and our responsible department will respond back as soon as possible.


  • Career
  • Public Relations
  • Tech Center
  • Ethical Management
  • Procurement
  • Sales

Personal Data Collection and Usage Agreement

Daeheung R&T collects personal information submitted through the 'contact us' page. Collected personal information is stored in accordance with the law regarding the 'promotion of information and communication network use and protection of information' and other related laws.

1. Purpose of data collection and use: To provide smoother communications for questions and opinions.

2. Collected personal data: Name, phone number, email and organization

3. Data holding and use period: 6 months from the registered date

Other data collection will comply with the privacy policy.

• You must consent to the agreement to use the 'contact us' page.

Prevention of the automatic registration

Please enter the numbers you see in order.